
Drupal 6 将停止维护

原文地址:Drupal 6 end-of-life announcement

正如Drupal 6 extended support policy所通告的那样,在 Drupal 8 发布3个月之后,Drupal 6的使用周期终止(end-of-life)。

2016年2月24日,将到达Drupal 6 最后使用周期,而且将不再被支持。

What this means for you:

  1. Drupal 6 will no longer be supported by the community at large. The community at large will no longer be creating new projects, fixing bugs in existing projects, writing documentation, etc. around Drupal 6.
  2. There will be no more core commits on Drupal 6.x to the official tree. (see What if I have a Drupal 6 site still)
  3. The security team will no longer provide support or Security Advisories for Drupal 6
  4. All Drupal 6 releases on project pages will be flagged as not supported.
  5. At some point in the future update status may stop working for Drupal 6 sites.

Should I update to Drupal 7 or Drupal 8?

The version of Drupal you choose for your upgrade will depend on how complex your site is, what contributed modules you need, and other factors. Many modules have been built in to Drupal 8. For example, Views and a WYSIWYG editor come as a part of Drupal 8, which means that some sites can move to Drupal 8 much sooner. Find out more about Drupal 8.

Drupal 8 core also provides a Migration path directly from Drupal 6 as an experimental feature, so sites can update directly to Drupal 8 using either a user interface or with Drush. See Executing a Drupal 6/7 to Drupal 8 upgrade for more details. The Migrate feature will be fully supported in a later minor release of Drupal 8.

Drupal 7 remains fully supported, so Drupal 6 sites can also update to Drupal 7 using the core update feature when that is a better fit. Drupal 7 is estimated to be supported until Drupal 9 is released, or later. For more information follow: [policy, no patch] Drupal 7 (and 8) EOL timing.

What if I have a Drupal 6 site still?

You should plan to upgrade your site as soon as possible. For sites not updated before February 24th 2016, the Security Team is working with some vendors who are willing to provide paid support for Drupal 6 sites beyond February 24th, 2016. We will announce the details of this in early January. If you are a vendor that would like to look into doing this, please read D6 LTS Vendors policy.
