In the 'page--landing.tpl.php' file, the menu is created with: //--页面菜单添加新窗口打开的链接 <div id="menu"> <?php print $navigation; ?> </div> <?php A quick way would be to use jQuery to rewrite the anchor tags in the menu with the target attribute //--方法一,使用jquery $( '.page--landing [menu link selector] ).attr( 'target','_blank' ); Using the Drupal API //方法二:使用hook_menu_link_alert function MODULE/THEMENAME_menu_link_alter(&$item) { if (some logic that sets it only for the desired paths/context) { $item['options']['attributes']['target'] = '_blank'; } } an example from the documentation for function hook_menu_link_alter //一个例子 function MODULE/THEMENAME_menu_link_alter(&$item) { if($item['link_path']=="admin/tutorial14333") { $item['options']['attributes']['target'] = '_blank'; } } ?>
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