地图/map 中国上海市浦东新区世纪大道1555号,邮编 200122 1555 Century Ave, Pudong, Shanghai, China 200122
关于活动 / About
本次meetup 计划在上海纽约大学浦东校区举办,活动场地将会有投影仪,无线网络,免费的水和一百人座椅的房间。 These meetup would be host in NYU Shanghai Pudong campus. There has projector, wifi, water and room for about half a hundred people.
非常感谢IT Consultis为我们这词活动提供免费的食物,这次我们将提供免费的食物供大家享用。 We really appreciate the free food IT Consultis will be sponsoring this time - we will provide free food to all the participants this time.
同时感谢上海纽约大学赞助本次活动场地。 We also want to thank NYU Shanghai for sponsoring the event venue.
本次Meeup将会尝试采用先对话题进行投票,后决定时间表的策略来组织。 We will organize this meetup in a new way - first, we will vote on the topics; then, we will set a time for the event.
话题投票/Votes:Click Here (Closed)
(截止日期 / Deadline:2016.05.22) 非常感谢所有提交演讲话题的朋友!经过整整一周(05.16-22)的投票,我们总共收到了投给11个题目的116次投票。最后的投票结果为: Thanks again to all the people who submitted topics for the event! After a whole week ‘s (05.16-22) voting, we received 116 votes for 11 topics. The final results are:
See Result
恭喜 Freedom_GAO,xfyesz,源泉,everright,moxihang 以及 Weynham & Lily 所提交的话题,最终成为本次活动演讲内容(按得票名次排列),第一,二名的话题将会有一小时(包括休息)的演讲时间。 Congraduations to Freedom_GAO,xfyesz,源泉,everright,moxihang and Weynham & Lily! Your topics will be featured in this event, and the topics which received the most and the second most votes will have one hour of presentation time (including the break).
*由于moxihang 和 Weynham & Lily所提供的话题得到了相同的票数又同时获得了第五名!所以我们决定重新安排演讲时间,从原来的5个话题,增加到6个话题!请关注本次活动日程。 * Since the topics submitted by moxihang and Weynham & Lily received the same amount of votes and both ranked No.5, we are happily announcing that we are rescheduling the presentation times and will include 6 topic instead of 5! Please check out the schedule here Event Schedule。
See Result
看来大家对这几个话题的关注度还不错。虽然很可惜这次没有人认领,但希望能够给未来的演讲者多提供一些选题方向。 It seems that these topics received a lot of attention, and it is a pity that they were not picked up this time. However, we do hope that this could serve as a reference for future presenters when choosing topics!
活动日程 / Agenda
排序由投票数及话题相关度决定 上半: 12:30 ~ 13:00 入场 13:00 ~ 13:20 活动介绍与热身 13:30 ~ 14:20 No.1 分享 How to Learn Drupal 8? -Freedom_GAO (40~45 min + 10~5 min Q&A) 14:30 ~ 15:10 No.3 关于前端自动化 -源泉 (30~35 min + 10~5 min Q&A) 15:20 ~ 16:00 No.5 Drupal 8 主题开发入门 -moxihang (30~35 min + 10~5 min Q&A)
下半: 16:10 ~ 17:00 No.2 分享 ionic + restful + drupal8 开发移动应用 -xfyesz (40~45 min + 10~5 min Q&A) 17:10 ~ 17:50 No.5 基于Drupal构建适合中国客户的移动应用管理系统 -Weynham, Lily. CI&T (30~35 min + 10~5 min Q&A) 18:00 ~ 18:40 No.3 如何应用Drupal 8相关的API来扩展Node的功能 - everright (30~35 min + 10~5 min Q&A) 18:40 ~ 19:00 集体讨论:Drupal 培训的发展 & Drupal 社区的发展 19:00+ After Party(可选,如果话题没有结束)
招聘墙/Job Board
我们将会提供一块大白板提供各个公司公示Drupal相关人才招聘信息 We will provide a large white board for the companies to post their recruitment information on.
请在这里关注活动更新!如果最终活动时间对你不合适,我们会将活动资源进行分享。 Stay tuned for an update on the topics and event time! If the time does not work for you, we will share the resources later.
另外!请记得在本活动页面注册,为了方便我们定食物以及活动当天门禁检查,谢谢配合。 In addition! Please register on this page, so that we could order enough food (always important!) and grant you access to the event venue. Thank you for your cooperation.