
DrupalSH Meetup - 2011-08-10




以后我们将于每月第二个周三的晚上举行相同的Drupal Meetup聚会。请看有关这次聚会的议程。

第1环节,自我介绍: 届时我们将请每位演讲嘉宾介绍他们自己,比如说,他们在Drupal界的职业以及他们参加此次聚会的原因。此外,我们将会挑选一个有关Drupal的小话题,希望每位来宾分享他们的经验或者建议。

第2环节,“闪谈”: 你能在5分钟内呈述一个话题(并且用另外5分钟回答大家的提问)么?基本的想法是,在运用Drupal技术开发网站时,它有其独特的方式。演讲嘉宾有5分 钟左右的时间告诉我们,如何整合这些独特的模块。与此同时,Theming技术和其他相关的经验技术同样都是值得期待的话题。只是有一个小建议,那就是, 所有的话题都要遵循“闪谈”的要求,但是要把所呈述的话题说清楚,说明白;要不然整个环节就会变得枯燥冗长了。 “闪谈”的 话题

  • 以美国工程师的方式工作 -- willkaxu
  • 暂时空缺,请提出建议
  • 暂时空缺,请提出建议



  • 介绍一下Location module的功能:Proximity Search -- Edxxu
  • 暂时空缺,请提出建议

第4环节,工作事宜及公开讨论 接下来,我们将有请在场的朋友谈谈他们对外招聘的职位或是寻找新工作的意向,除此以外大家可以畅所欲言自己关心的话题。


会议地址:INsReady Inc.办公室,斜土路1111弄3号楼602室,上海(福华花苑,靠近瑞金南路)(这里有一个介绍我们办公室的视频,英文版本 http://t.cn/hgF3mE,中文版本 http://t.cn/hgFBfy在参加活动之前,你需要到groups.drupal.org注册一个帐号并且在次页面上报名这次活动(点击此页面的sign up)。由于场地有限(20人),没有报名的朋友有可能无法参加这次聚会。


English version:

Drupal meetup, compared to Drupal Happy hour, is more structured. Please see the agenda for the coming meetup. Going forward, we will host the meetup on the second Wednesday evening of every month.

1.) Self-introduction: We let everyone to introduce themselves, talking about what they do with Drupal, and why they come to this meetup. Also, we will pick one simple question related to Drupal for that particular meeting, and expect people to offer their own experience or opinions.

2.) Lighting Rounds: Have a topic you can present in 5 minutes (with 5 more minutes for questions)? The basic idea is there are patterns for developing sites the "drupal" way ("what would drupal do? etc."). Tell us a quick 5 minute recipe for how to put the Drupal "bricks" together. Theming techniques or other things may also be appropriate. Propose it below. Make sure you mention it is for the "lightning round" otherwise it might get confused with a longer presentation.

  • Open Slot, Please propose
  • Open Slot, Please propose
  • Open Slot, Please propose

3.) Presentations: In this section, we will let people to do a 30-minutes presentation on their own topics.

  • Open Slot, Please propose
  • Open Slot, Please propose

4.) Job Affairs and Open Discussion In this section, we will let people talk about their job openings or their looking for new opportunities. Then, we open the discussion to the floor.

If you have have any ideas or proposals for lightning round topic or presentation, please leave your proposal in the comments. If other people express enough interest in your topics, I will update the list above, and mark you down as the speaker.

Meeting Location: INsReady Inc. office, 斜土路1111弄3号楼602室,上海 (福华花苑,靠近瑞金南路)(Here is the video intro to our office, English version http://t.cn/hgF3mE, Chinese version http://t.cn/hgFBfY)

Please register an account on groups.drupal.org and sign up for this event. Due to limited space (20 people total), people without sign-ups might not be able to attend this event
