东方龙马 提交于 24 March 2015

英文名:《Drupal 8 Configuration Management》,译为《Drupal 8 配置管理》


本文原文链接A book about Configuration Management in Drupal 8



Stefan Borchert

Anja Schirwinski

aschiwi's picture

德国undpaul公司的联合创始人、CEO。身兼项目经理、客户经理、前端开发工程师,Acquia认证工程师,当然她也是《Drupal 8 Configuration Management 》(Packt 出版社出版)一书的作者。

在2013年12月,Packt 出版社让他们写一本关于Drupal8的书。此前,Drupal协会(Drupal Association)调查发现,他们最想学习的在Drupal8的功能,最热门的话题莫过于Configuration Management (配置管理)。

恰好作者Anja他们长期在追踪Drupal配置方面的代码变化,因此他们非常高兴来写这本书。在2015年3月,本书如期出版,但是目前Drupal 8正式版还没有发布,所以在Drupal 8 正式版发布之后,书中的有些代码可能会变得过时。

你可以到这里查看网站的源码: read a sample chapter in an article on Packt's website


  • 第一章 理解配置管理
  • 第二章 对于管理员的配置管理
  • 第三章 Drupal 8 采用的配置管理
  • 第四章 配置管理API
  • 第五章 架构文件分析
  • 第六章 将配置管理添加到你的模块
  • 第七章 将你的Drupal7变量升级成Drupal8的配置
  • 第八章 管理多语言站点的配置
  • 第九章 有用工具及帮助


Chapter 1, Understanding Configuration Management, will give you a quick overview of Configuration Management. You will learn what types of configuration exist, why managing configuration is a good idea, and how to get started with it. It will provide a look at the several ways in which configuration was managed in Drupal 7 and then show how Drupal 8 approaches the problem. Chapter 2, Configuration Management for Administrators, provides an introduction on how to use Configuration Management for users who are not developers, but administrators of a Drupal website who want to make use of the advantages of this new feature. We will show you how to use the Configuration Management interface and how to create a copy of your website, and you will learn how to move a configuration made on one site to another site. Chapter 3, Drupal 8's Take on Configuration Management, will show you the inner workings of the Configuration Management system in Drupal 8. You will learn about config and schema files, and read about the difference between simple configuration and configuration entities. Chapter 4, Configuration Management API, will teach you how to get your hands dirty and learn about the Configuration Management API of Drupal 8. Here, you will dive into the Simple Configuration API and learn how configuration can be overridden. Later, you will take a closer look at how to create custom configuration entity types, and we'll also teach you about the configuration's context system. Chapter 5, The Anatomy of Schema Files, covers schema files and explains how Drupal uses them for Configuration Management. You will learn about the structure of schema files used by Drupal and write your own schema for custom configuration. Chapter 6, Adding Configuration Management to Your Module, will teach you how to access configuration objects and how schema files are structured in the previous chapters. (You will surely want to know how to get all this fancy stuff into your shiny new module for Drupal 8). You will learn how to include the default configuration in custom modules, how to define and use your own configuration, and how to create configuration forms. Chapter 7, Upgrading Your Drupal 7 Variables to Drupal 8 Configuration, will show you ways to convert your Drupal 7 variables into Drupal 8 Configuration objects and how to provide an upgrade path in your modules. Chapter 8, Managing Configuration for Multilingual Websites, allows you to build comprehensive multilingual websites in which you can display a site's content in different languages and translate the user interface. While many features were built into Drupal's core in previous versions, building multilingual sites remained a very painful task. In this chapter, we will take a look at how Drupal 7 deals with different languages on a site and how Drupal 8 is trying to fix weaknesses from previous versions. Chapter 9, Useful Tools and Getting Help, provides a list of links and tools provided by the Drupal community; these will be useful if you reach a point where you need help when dealing with Configuration Management.


预定该书: pre-order the book directly on Packt's website, 或者 follow us on Twitter

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