edison111cry 提交于 15 August 2011

Wanhu is a small getting bigger programming development studio specialized in creating digital tool for international custormers. We mainly focus on developing website and mobile applications.

We also create corporate and client customized on line solutions for Intranet, E-commerce sites. The company is based in Shanghai and hires people all over China.

1,PHP/DRUPAL/网页开发 2名 该职位主要是从事利用Ajax,joomla/Drupal CMS来创建网站2.0,须拥有2—3年从事网站开发的经验。 技术要求:PHP, Drupal, Mysql, LAMP, HTML5/AJAX(掌握Drupal)。至少应聘者是愿意对诸如此类CMS工具进行学习的。 qq邮箱: 757322839@qq.com