Finn 提交于 29 February 2012

原文链接:Creating Drupal 7.x modules


这里有你需要创建 Drupal 7.x  模块的教程和信息。


查看 Module Development with Drupal  获得更多对模块开发者有用的材料

你也可以使用 Coder 模块 来验证你的代码是否符合 Drupal 代码标准和最佳实践, 它也可以通过来自 PHP_CodeSniffer 的 phpcbf 命令来为您修复代码标准冲突,点击这里下载Coder模块。

Last updated August 10, 2015. Created on January 20, 2009. Edited by venkatadapa, pbulebar, drupalshrek, EddieN120. You can edit this page, too.

Welcome to the module developer's guide for Drupal 7!

This section includes tutorials and other information that you need to create modules for Drupal version 7.x.

Other general resources

For a collection of useful materials for module developers, see Module Development with Drupal.

Also use Coder Module to verify your code against drupal coding standards and best practices, It can also fix coding standard violations for you with the phpcbf command from PHP_CodeSniffer, Click here to download the coder module