- Microsoft Internet Explorer (windows自带的.)
- Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
- Firebug Lite 这个和firefxo尚的firebug上才不多,不过比较简单不太好用
- Multiple Internet Explorer versions 这个没用过
- Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image,微软提供的测试多个浏览器版本,windows7也可以用虚拟机装过xp测试ie6
- IETester强烈推荐,这个很好用,可以测试多个ie版本
- 如果你使用非windows得系统想使用ie:
- http://www.kronenberg.org/ies4osx/ - for OS/X
- http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page - for Linux
- http://wddb.wine-doors.org/node/3 - for WINE on Linux
- Mozilla Firefox (火狐,web开发的扩张最多.)
- Web Developer Extension - 这个是个多功能的插件,可以编辑css,禁用css,js等等
- FireFTP - firefox的ftp插件.
- Firebug - 这个是必备的开发工具,调试网页必不可少
- YSlow - 这个是用来测试页面大小,速度和性能,很详细
- Page Speed - 和yslow差不多
- 也有firebug的drupal模块 Drupal for Firebug .
- How to setup a Firefox quick search for the Drupal API
- IE Tab Firefox extension 可以让你在firefox里使用ie
- Opera
- Firebug Lite 类似firebug
- Safari
- Google Chrome 现在chrome也有很多web开发方面的扩张,这里不做介绍了
- BBEdit (Commercial. Proprietary. Mac only.)
- Bluefish Editor (Free. Open Source. POSIX > Linux. Mac. Windows. Fast, lean multi syntax WYSIWYN editor with a focus on HTML/CSS/Javascript - GTK+ based). The Windows version can be found at http://code.google.com/p/bluefish-win/
- Dreamweaver (Commercial. Proprietary. Mac and Windows.) - A WYSIWYG HTML/XHTML, CSS, PHP, XSL/T editor, and there's a free Drupal API extension for Dreamweaver.
- gPHPEdit (Free. Open source. Runs on Linux)
- jEdit (Free. Open source. Runs on Linux, Mac, Windows and others. Java based.)
- Komodo Edit (Free. Open source. Runs on Linux, Mac and Windows. Configuration guideavailable.)
- Notepad++ (Free. Open Source. Windows only.) - A light-weight notepad replacement with tabbing and syntax highlighting.
- Smultron (Free. Open Source. Mac only.)
- TextMate (Commercial. Proprietary. Mac only although a Windows clone exists) - A couple of Drupal specific bundles are available, the PHP Drupal bundle which has the most features and another by Steven Wittens which allows tab completion of function signatures - both can exist without conflict. A lot of the power of TextMate is in its bundle system and it has built-in support for diff which speeds up the rolling and applying of patches and many more.
- TextWrangler (Free. Proprietary. Mac only.) -- Lets you read and save via FTP/SFTP, and supports grep and Show Changes (diff).
- Coda (Proprietary. Mac only.) - Editor for web pages (HTML, CSS) with preview and FTP capabilities; has a Drupal plugin.
集成开发环境 (IDE)
- Eclipse (是著名的跨平台的自由集成开发环境(IDE)。最初主要用来Java语言开发,但是目前亦有人通过插件使其作为C++、Python、PHP等其他语言的开发工具。
- PHP Development Tools (PDT) 这个是eclipse官方的.
- PHP Development Tools (PDT) 这个是zend提供的.
- Aptana (这个是基于eclipse,可以作为eclipse的插件进行安装,有sftp等功能,主要侧重于web开发).
- Netbeans 这个是和eclipse齐名的开发工具,功能上要比eclipse弱。
- Bluefish Editor (Free. Open Source. Linux. Mac. Fast Lean multi syntax WYSIWYN editor - GTK+ based). A lightweight, fast, multi-syntax IDE that supports projects, multiple documents, ftp/webDAV/sftp/http/https/samba, user custom integration with many programs like make, lint, weblint, xmllint, tidy, javac, more..., multi-language translations, etc. Just an awesome text editor on steroids.
- Quanta Plus (Free. Open Source. Linux - Part of the KDE environment).
- Geany (Free. Open Source. POSIX > GTk+. Linux. Mac. Windows. Fast lean multi syntax - GTK+ based).
- Komodo IDE (Commercial. Proprietary. Linux, Mac and Windows.) Drupal Configuration notes available and Module building extension with node and user code intelligence
- Zend Studio (Commercial. Proprietary. Linux, Mac and others. Java based.)
- PhpEd (Commercial. Proprietary. Windows, Linux.)
- CodeLobster (Shareware. Has a Drupal plugin. Appears to be Windows only.)
- Xcode (Commercial, free with Mac OS X. Mac only.) Here are instructions on setting up Xcode to work with Drupal.
- PhpStorm (Commercial. Proprietry. Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. Java Based.) Code hinting, X-Debug.
SQL & Database tools
There is software that can aid your SQL and database needs with features ranging from queries to administration.
- phpMyAdmin - Industry-standard PHP tool for administering a MySQL database, included in most shared hosting packages (if not, find a different host!). For local database installations you could try phpminiadmin which is an order of magnitude faster than phpMyAdmin, but has fewer features.
- pgadmin3 (Free. Windows/Linux/Mac PostgreSQL). Industry-standard for administering a PostgreSQL database, the SQL99 reference database. Runs from your desktop, SSL aware, no need to install anything on your server. The application also includes a syntax highlighting SQL editor, a server-side script editor, an SQL/batch/shell job scheduling agent, support for the Slony-I replication engine and much more.
- MySQL GUI Tools Bundle (Free. Windows/Mac/Linux. Source available. MySQL only.) - GUI software bundle contains MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser, and MySQL Migration Toolkit.
- FlySpeed SQL Query (Free. Windows. MySQL/PostgreSQL) -- Builds queries without needing deep knowledge of SQL syntax and performs data manipulations such as export and reporting.
- Navicat (Free & Commercial. Windows, Linux, Mac. Versions for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL.)
- Sequel Pro (Free. Mac. MySQL)
- SQLyog (Free Community Edition, Enterprise Edition. Windows. MySQL)
- HeidiSQL (Free & Open Source. Windows. MySQL only.)
Other Tools
- PuTTY (Free. Windows only.) - An SSH and telnet client.
- WinSCP - 著名的sftp工具.
- 7 Zip (Free. Open Source. Windows is the primary platform, with ports listed on thedownload page.) - Extracts archived and compacted files (such as tarballs).
- Cygwin (Free. Open Source. Windows only.) - Allows Windows users to use a Unix like shell. This is particularly useful for interfacing with git and patching files; read more.
- Filezilla (Free. Open Source. Windows, Mac, and Linux.) - Graphical FTP client
- IE Net Renderer - Check your site on IE 6 & 7 without Windows
- UnxUtils (Free. Open Source. Windows only.) - a lightweight option for adding some Unix command line utilities such as patch and grep to Windows, for those not wishing to download Cygwin.
- Drupal Module Builder Gem (Free, runs on Ruby).
- Realtime CSS Viewer Gem (Free, runs on Ruby) - This is a CSS viewer that monitors your changes as you edit in any text editor.This link does not work anymore