小马 提交于 18 August 2014

You can follow these steps

  1. Go to YOURSITE/sites/all/modules/views/theme
  2. Open theme.inc and search for function "theme_views_mini_pager"
  3. Copy the entire function.
  4. Now go to YOURSITE/sites/all/themes/YOURTHEME
  5. Open template.php file or create if you don't have the one.
  6. Paste the entire function.
  7. Now change the function name to "YOURTHEME_views_mini_pager"
  8. In my example I am changing the right and left double arrow ("«" and "»") to a text "previous" and "next". For this just replace the arrows with text.



quoted from  : http://www.zyxware.com/articles/3804/drupal-how-to-theme-the-pager-created-by-drupal-views

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