hgneng 提交于 21 October 2015

好兴奋Drupal 8终于进入了RC阶段!Drupal 8 beta 15之前是不提供升级方案的。如果你曾经像我一样在beta 6开始就用Drupal 8搭建网站并写了一大堆文章,那么下面的步骤可以帮助你移植到RC版本。


  1. Download beta 10 and do a fresh install.
  2. Download beta 6 database through `mysqldump ----skip-add-drop-table --insert-ignore`.
  3. compare node* tables. There are new columns in release. We need to change insert statments to ignore new columns. When necessary, specify default value to the columns (I specify "zh-hans" to langcode).
  4. Import beta 6 database to Drupal 8 rc1 site.
  5. If you are not able to reach clear cache page, install latest drush. run `drush cr` to rebuild cache
  6. open the site and monitor php error.log. You will get some syntax issues. About 10 in my case. Hack relative code to ignore syntax errors.



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