
Drupal 8.3.5 发布

Drupal 8.3.5 于2017年7月6日发布了!

这是 Drupal 8 的一个补丁版本,已可以用于生产站点了。

本次Drupal 8.3.5 仅是 bug 修复和文档、测试更新,包含了多条 bug 修复。更多关于和 Drupal 7 以来的修改和改进请查看 CHANGELOG.txt。有关 Drupal 8.x 系列版本更多信息,请参阅 Drupal 8概述

自Drupal 8.2.3以来的更新流程的变动:

Beginning with 8.2.3, packaged Drupal releases no longer contain development PHP libraries. See Drupal 8 will no longer include dev dependencies in release packages for more information. See UP.TXT in the Drupal download for full instructions on how to update.


There are no known regressions in this release.

从 8.3.0 之前版本升级:

We've received reports of the following issues with the 8.3.0 release that may affect those updating from older versions of Drupal 8:

  • A few sites have reported #2869449: PluginNotFound exception after update to Drupal 8.3 where the plugin name mentioned in the exception may vary. Administrators of affected sites should check the issue queues of contributed modules in use. Comment on #2869449 if necessary.
  • Sites that have the HAL module enabled and are upgrading from 8.1.x have encountered #2867444: Configuration schema errors whilst updating to 8.3.0. Possible workarounds include updating to 8.2.7 first and then to 8.3.0, or (for sites using Drush) updating to Drush 8.1.10. (Note that 8.1.x has been end-of-life since September 2016, so we generally do not provide full support for updates that skip minor releases.)

File usage tracking causes unexpected file deletion

Drupal 8 currently has a number of known issues related to incorrect tracking of file usage, which can result in files being unexpectedly deleted from a site. Site owners experiencing unexplained file loss should consider setting "Delete orphaned files" to "Never" on /admin/config/media/file-system until these issues are resolved, and note the following issues:

Search the issue queue for all known issues.


