东方龙马 提交于 4 September 2012



《Drupal 7.0 Beta 2 发布了》

由 kzwnl 于 星期六, 2010-10-23 21:34 发表

Drupal 7.0 Beta 2 发布了 又更新了,最近官方的频率还是很快的。Drupal 7 已经推出Beta 2版本了。估计下一个版本就是rc了,Drupal 7正式版越来越近了,兴奋啊。


* Better error trapping during installation and upgrade for various incompatible systems, based on error reports from folks newly trying out Drupal 7 on various environments. We think we've caught all the ones we have so far, but please keep the reports coming! * Better support for exportables in the form of a new Form API type "machine_name" and format IDs stored as strings rather than integers. * Links can now participate in the D7 AJAX framework, which was previously limited to forms. * Raised minimum version of PHP to PHP 5.2.4, to facilitate stream wrapper security. * Numerous tweaks to basic navigation in the default profile, to prevent information overload. * Fixed a regression in Schema API that prevented modules such as Date from adding to the column types supported by core. * Profile module no longer shows up on the module listing on new sites, in favour of fieldable user entities. * Fixing of numerous Bartik and Seven theme style & RTL bugs. There are still lots more, so please help get Drupal 7's new look and feel as polished as possible!

追Drupal 7的朋友们一定不要忘了去官方提交BUG啊。试试这个新版本吧。

原文地址:http://drupal.org/drupal-7.0-beta2 Drupal 7.0 Beta 2下载地址:http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-7.0-beta2.tar.gz
