
Drupal 8.3.0 发布

Drupal 8.3.0  于2017年4月6日发布了!

Drupal 8.3.0 是 Drupal 8 的一个补丁版本,也是 8.3.x 系列的补丁第一个版本,现已可以用于生产站点了。

BigPipe模块首次从实验模块中毕业,新增了工作流Workflows(大单位比较期待的功能)、布局探索 Layout Discovery(主题开发会更容易)、字段布局 Field Layout 等三个实验模块,改进了一系列核心和非核心功能,详见:https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/releases/8.3.0。升级可以参考:升级


#2751325: All serialized values are strings, should be integers/booleans when appropriate corrects a bug that would output all scalar values as strings rather than the correct data type in serialized output, including REST responses. This fix may require some client application updates if the application relies on these values being strings.

An opt-in backwards compatibility mode is configurable at the site level, but not enabled by default. Read the change record for more information on this change and on configuring the backwards compatibility mode.

下面是几个重要问题已在 8.3.0 中修复。


The BigPipe module has become stable in 8.3.0. This module provides an advanced implementation of Facebook's BigPipe page rendering strategy, leading to greatly improved perceived performance for pages with dynamic, personalized, or uncacheable content. See the BigPipe handbook page.



改进的 web services 功能

Drupal 8.3.0 significantly improves REST and API-first support with the following new features, API and developer experience improvements, and bug fixes.




The modules listed in this section are considered experimental for this release. Experimental modules are provided with Drupal core for testing purposes, but are not yet fully supported.

New experimental modules

Workflows (alpha stability)
This module abstracts the transitions and states system from Content Moderation into a separate component so that it can be reused by modules that implement non-publishing workflows (such as for users or products) as well as content publishing workflows. The module also includes support for default workflow states and transitions.
Layout Discovery (alpha stability)
Provides an API for modules or themes to register layouts as well as five common default layouts. By providing this API in core, we help make it possible for core and contributed layout solutions to be compatible with each other. The following contributed modules already have development versions that support the new API:

See the layout roadmap for the next steps for this module.

Field Layout (alpha stability)
This module provides the ability for site builders to rearrange fields on content types, block types, etc. into new regions, for both the form and display, on the same forms provided by the normal field user interface. See the entity display layout roadmap for the next steps for this module.

Updated experimental modules

Migrate (beta stability)
As of 8.3.0, the Migrate API now has beta stability, meaning that no future backwards-incompatible API changes are anticipated, so developers can leverage these APIs in custom migrations. Migrate will be considered completely stable after the issues tagged Migrate critical are resolved, to ensure the base API fully supports critical functionality.
Migrate Drupal and Migrate Drupal UI (alpha stability)
Content Moderation (alpha stability)

Content Moderation allows content workflow states such as Draft, Archived, and Published, and now depends on the new experimental Workflows module (described above) to supply workflows and transitions for these states. See the Workflows change record for more information.

Important: If you previously installed Content Moderation in 8.2.x, you must uninstall it before upgrading to 8.3.0 or you will encounter fatal errors. You will need to reconfigure your workflows and transitions with the new module after upgrading and re-enabling Content Moderation, so be sure to back them up beforehand. (No upgrade path is supplied since the module is still alpha stability.)

Content Moderation includes many additional improvements in this release:

See the Content Moderation roadmap for the next steps for this module. Both Workflow and Content Moderation must reach beta stability within six months for Content Moderation to remain in core.

Settings Tray (alpha stability)
This is a prototype of Dries's proposed Outside-In usability enhancements. It allows configuring page elements such as blocks and menus from the frontend of your site. See the roadmap of outstanding issues, which includes both planned improvements and known accessibility and interaction bugs. The module is more polished in this release, but still considered alpha stability. It needs to become stable within the next six months to remain in core.
DateTime Range (alpha stability)
The DateTime Range module provides a field type that allows end dates. This is important for contributed modules like the Calendar module to work with Drupal 8 core. The DateTime Range module plan is mostly complete and DateTime Range is expected to be beta stability soon, with only a couple of usability issues remaining. This module needs to become stable within the next six months to remain in core.
Place Block (alpha stability)
This feature allows the user to place a block on any page and see the region where it will be displayed, without having to navigate to a backend administration form. The Place Block module needs to reach stability within the next six months to remain in core.
Inline Form Errors (alpha stability)
This provides a proof-of-concept for showing form errors inline for improved accessibility. Since the last minor release, Inline Form Errors has improved significantly, including usability and accessibility fixes as well as underlying fixes to the form system. The Inline Form Errors experimental module's functionality is now automatically disabled while editing a field with Quick Edit because its method of displaying errors was not compatible with Quick Edit's. (There is a followup to allow any form to opt out of Inline Form Errors.) See the outstanding issues for Inline Form Errors for additional issues that remain before Inline Form Errors can become stable.


其他 API 改进

Modules requiring Drupal 8.3.0 or later can take advantage of these additional API improvements:


In addition to the vendor updates and coding standards changes described below, PHP CodeSniffer and Drupal Coder have been added as development requirements: #2744463: Add phpcs/coder to dev requirements. (As a reminder, dev dependencies should never be added to production or Internet-facing sites. See Drupal 8 will no longer include dev dependencies in release packages for more information.)

#2859772: Update Symfony components to ~2.8.18


Drupal 8.3.0 has adopted the following coding standards changes:


从 8.2.3 开始,打包的Drupal版本将不再包含开发 PHP 库(development PHP libraries)。更多信息请查看这篇文章:Drupal 8 will no longer include dev dependencies in release packages 。


关于这两个版本的更新日志,请查看 8.3.0 对应的发布说明。


关于这两个版本的更新说明,请查看 8.3.0 对应的发布说明。


Drupal 8 currently has a number of known issues related to incorrect tracking of file usage, which can result in files being unexpectedly deleted from a site. Site owners experiencing unexplained file loss should consider setting "Delete orphaned files" to "Never" on /admin/config/media/file-system until these issues are resolved, and note the following issues:

Search the issue queue for all known issues.


