
Drupal 7.36 发布

Drupal中国公告:2015年4月2日上午2点54分(美国当地时间)在Drupal官网发布公告,Drupal 7.36 发布。

Drupal官网公告中介绍:这是Drupal7.x的例行版本更新。本次包括一些bug修复及少量 API/功能 改进(并非主要功能大变动);大功能及非向后兼容的新功能会加到Drupal 8.0版本里。


除了文档修复,.htaccess、web.config、robots.txt 及settings.php 这些文件没有变动,因此本次升级这些文件无需备份。




  • Prevented the form API from allowing arrays to be submitted for various form elements, such as textfields, textareas, and password fields (API change: https://www.drupal.org/node/2462723).
  • Added a 'javascript_always_use_jquery' variable which can be set to FALSE by sites that may not need jQuery loaded on all pages, and a 'requires_jquery' option to drupal_add_js() which modules can set to FALSE when adding JavaScript files that have no dependency on jQuery (API addition: https://www.drupal.org/node/2462717).
  • Added a user_has_role() function to check whether a user has a particular role (API addition: https://www.drupal.org/node/2462411).
  • Added a 'file_public_schema' variable which allows modules that define publicly-accessible streams in hook_stream_wrappers() to bypass file download access checks when processing managed file upload fields.
  • Fixed a bug that caused database query tags not to be added to search-related database queries under many circumstances, and which prevented the corresponding hook_query_TAG_alter() implementations from being called.
  • Fixed the "for" attribute on managed file upload field labels to improve accessibility (minor markup change).
  • Fixed incorrect foreign keys in the User module's role_permission and users_roles database tables.
  • Changed permission descriptions throughout Drupal core to consistently link to relevant administrative pages, regardless of whether the user viewing the Permissions page can view the page being linked to (minor UI change).
  • Fixed the drupal_add_region_content() function so that it actually adds content to the page.
  • Added an 'image_suppress_itok_output' variable to allow sites already using the existing 'image_allow_insecure_derivatives' variable to also prevent security tokens from appearing in image derivative URLs.
  • Fixed double-escaping of theme names in the Block module administrative interface (minor string change).
  • Added basic support for Xdebug when running automated tests.
  • Fixed a bug which caused previewing a node to remove elements from the node being edited. With this fix, calling node_preview() will no longer modify the passed-in node object (minor API change).
  • Fixed installation failures when an opcode cache is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug in the Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 upgrade path which caused private files to be inaccessible.
  • Fixed a bug in the Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 upgrade path which caused user pictures to be lost.
  • Fixed missing language code in hook_field_attach_view_alter() when it is invoked from field_view_field().
  • Stopped sending ETag and Last-Modified headers for uncached page requests, since they break caching for certain Varnish and Nginx configurations.
  • Changed the Simpletest module to allow PSR-4 test classes to be used in Drupal 7.
  • Fixed a fatal error that occurred when using the Comment module's "Unpublish comment containing keyword(s)" action.
  • Changed the "lang" attribute on language links to "xml:lang" so it validates as XHTML (minor markup change).
  • Fixed a bug in the Contact module which caused the global user object to have the incorrect name and e-mail address during the remainder of the page request after the contact form is submitted.

可以到 Drupal 7.36版本修改日志里查看具体细节。



Drupal 7.36 release notes


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